A.Z. Madonna
Accordion, vocals
Cecile Leroy
Cello, jaw harp, vocals
Daniel Raine
Cittern, guitar, ukulele, banjo, vocals
Yaron Shragai
Whistles, recorders, hand percussion, vocals
Chimney Swift is a groovy, eclectic folk band known for their unusual instrumentation and innovative musical choices. With inspiration ranging from traditional fiddle tunes to pop and various international styles, they transport their audience with their exciting, unique sound.
Chimney Swift has been playing together since 2016. They have played for all types of events including dances, weddings, concerts, dance weekends, festivals, and conventions. They specialize in Contra Dance and English Country Dance repertoire.
"Heartfelt and captivating."

A.Z. Madonna
A.Z. began as a pianist, then fell in love with the rich sound and portability of the accordion. She is involved with a varity of musical projects and especially enjoys playing Bal Folk, Scandinavian, and video game music.

Cecile Leroy
Cecile was originally a classical cellist and more recently discovered the collaborative joys of folk music. She draws inspiration from many styles and is an active musician in the Contra and English Country Dance communities.

Daniel Raine
Daniel is a versatile instrumentalist playing a variety of strummed instruments. His early expertise was in prog rock and fingerstyle guitar, and his current interests include Bluegrass, Irish, Scandinavian, and many more.

Yaron Shragai
Yaron is adept at a wide range of styles and uses them in his innovative approach to traditional tunes. He has a background in industrial and techno and is active in the International Folk Dance scene as both musician and dance leader.